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30 September 2019

Kubernetes operator day 2 development workflow

by Juan Antonio Osorio Robles

There are plenty of blog posts about how to create a Kubernetes operator or controller from scratch. However, for those of us who are fairly new to Kubernetes, there are no guides on what do you do if you need to fix an already existing operator, or if you want to propose a new feature. What do you do then?

This small guide aims at explaining that.

Note that I’m assuming that you already have a cluster running.


In this scenario, I’ll attempt to change the openshift-cluster-logging-operator. This operator is in charge of setting up a logging stack in OpenShift. Specifically it’ll set up an EFK stack in your cluster: Elasticsearch, Fluentd & Kibana (amongst other implementation details).

Normally, operators will have controllers that deploy and manage other workloads. In this case, the operator will manage fluentd daemonsets, kibana deployments, and will ensure that certain configurations exist in the elasticsearch-operator (which is in charge of managing an elasticsearch cluster).

In this case, I want to add a configuration file to the fluentd image that the operator deploys, and subsequently enable its usage in the operator.

Note that this specific operator is fairly specific to OpenShift, but the same workflow will apply to other more general operators.

Set up

In the same fashion as with every other open source project, lets clone the repos:

# The operator source code
git clone git@github.com:openshift/cluster-logging-operator.git

# The repo where the images are defined
git clone git@github.com:openshift/origin-aggregated-logging.git

Make sure that the operator repo is available in your gopath, as it’s a Go project and we’ll need to build it.

Workload changes/fixes

First, we’ll start with the changes to the workloads itself. In this case, the workload is the fluentd instances that the operator spawns.

In the origin-aggregated-logging repo, you’ll the see fluentd directory. Here are all the scripts to build the image and configurations that are injected into the image. In our case, we’ll add some extra configurations here.

Build the image

We’ll now need to build the image, so lets do that! You’ll notice there’s some dockerfiles in the fluentd directory. So, lets build it from there:

# Move to the directory
cd fluentd

# Build the image
podman build -t logging-fluentd:pipes -f Dockerfile.centos7 .

If all goes well, we should see the following:

$ podman images                                                                                                                                                  audit-log  
REPOSITORY                         TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
localhost/logging-fluentd          pipes    7e292ad5b9a5   40 seconds ago   726 MB
docker.io/centos/ruby-25-centos7   latest   4de276882055   11 days ago      591 MB

Push the image to a remove registry

In another previous post I explained how to upload images to your OpenShift registry; so you might want to follow that. Assuming that you followed the instructions from that post, you should be able to push your image to the registry.

NOTE: Operators normally operate on a specific namespace, you want to figure what that namespace is in order to push the image to it. This way, the workload will be able to pull the image.

For this case, we need the openshift-logging namespace to exist in order for our workload to run. So lets create it. In the case of OpenShift, you’ll need to do:

oc adm new-project openshift-logging

In other distributions (or vanilla Kubernetes), you would do:

$ cat logging-namespace.json
  "kind": "Namespace",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "openshift-logging"
$ kubectl create -f logging-namespace.json

With this in place, we can now push the image:

podman push --tls-verify=false localhost/logging-fluentd:pipes localhost:5000/openshift-logging/logging-fluentd:pipes

To recap from the aforementioned blog post, the target URL means the following:

In the remote registry, the image will be available as follows:


Operator changes/fixes

Having now the workload patched and available in the cluster, we can now work on the operator itself.

Making changes to the code-base should be fairly simple, as all operators work with a similar pattern. Hint: Look for the Reconciler function, that should contain all the logic of the operator.

Before testing your changes

Make sure that you have all the dependencies the operator needs available.

This could be namespaces, other kubernetes objects or even other operators.

In our case, we already created the openshift-logging namespace, since that’s where we pushed the image. We do need to install the elastricsearch operator, since the cluster-logging-operator requires that to run. For OpenShift, this is easily available through the OperatorHub.

You’ll also need to create or update the CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions).

Operators often listen on Custom Resources, these resources will be either objects that it’ll act upon, or that will configure certain things.

In the case of the cluster-logging-operator, the CR is a representation of the logging stack. It’ll tell us how many replicas do we need for each service, how much storage should we allocate for it amongst other things.

So lets create that!

In our case, the CRD is in /manifests/4.2. So, lets create the resource:

# For OpenShift
oc create -f manifests/4.2/cluster-loggings.crd.yaml

# For Kubernetes
kubectl create -f manifests/4.2/cluster-loggings.crd.yaml

If you’re not sure where the CRD is, you can grep for it:

grep -R "kind: CustomResourceDefinition"

Run the operator

Now you have everything you need for the operator to function; However, there are still some things to consider.

Workload image

Make sure that it’s possible to overwrite the image of the workload the operator will run on. Normally, operators have such options available; for instance, the cluster-logging-operator enables you to use environment variables to overwrite the default images for the different workloads it manages. In our case, you can set the FLUENTD_IMAGE environment variable.


In a usual case, the operator will itself be a pod in the cluster, and it’ll get its credentials from the ones that Kubernetes injects into the pod. However, in this case, we’ll be running the operator locally. This is usually not a problem, as normally operator have a flag where you can pass in the credentials; or it’ll accept an environment variable as well. Usually, the environment variable is KUBECONFIG.

Running the operator

Lets now run the operator!

Normally, there will be a Makefile that’ll allow you build and maybe even run the operator. In our case, we do have the run target available. So lets use it:

make run FLUENTD_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift-logging/logging-fluentd:pipes

If you don’t have a run target available, you can run make, and subsequently run the generated binary directly.

At this point, you’ll see the logs of the operator. Depending on what the operator does, it might already start doing its job, or not. Normally it’ll just wait until you create the Custom Resource. So lets do that and look at our operator logs.

# Remember we need to create the CR in the namespace the operator is watching
oc project openshift-logging

# Lets create the CR
oc create -f cr.yaml

If all went well, you should see the operator doing its thing! Or some error if you made a mistake in your code (it happens!).


Working with operators is fairly simple, but it can be a little confusing if you’re new to it. Just keep all the pieces:

Happy hacking!

tags: openshift - kubernetes

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