SELinux, kubernetes & Udica
by Juan Antonio Osorio Robles
So, you have your service written and everything seems to be working. You did a lot of work to get it working in the first place, learned what was the best deployment strategy, and your Kubernetes manifests are ready to deploy… There is something that’s off here though… Your service has a section called “securityContext”, and the flag “privileged” is marked as “true”… Oops!
You try to remove that flag. After all, you don’t want workloads to run as privileged in production. You try to deploy it but now Kubernetes shows there’s errors. You decide to check the node since you have a hunch… SELinux denials! What do you do now?
Lets first try to understand the available options before trying to solve this.
Some time ago, I wrote another blog post about how SELinux applies to containers. Even if in this case, I’m using OpenShift with CRI-O instead of docker, the same concepts still apply.
Kubernetes has a construct that you can add to your pods and containers called “securityContext”, as mentioned above.
These options are general security options that will either lock down or free up your containers and pods. The “securityContext” can be set up in two levels: The pod level and the container level.
Lets look at an example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: security-context-demo-2
runAsUser: 1000
- name: sec-ctx-demo-2-a
runAsUser: 2000
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- name: sec-ctx-demo-2-b
As you might guess, the container “sec-ctx-demo-2-a” will use the options that were defined in the “securityContext” in its own scope. While “sec-ctx-demo-2-b” will use the one coming from the pod itself. It is important to know that each group can take a different set of options, and have different definitions in the Kubernetes API spec. One of them being PodSecurityContext and the other one being simply named SecurityContext.
Here are the different options available:
- fsGroup
- runAsGroup
- runAsNonRoot
- runAsUser
- seLinuxOptions
- supplementalGroups
- sysctls
- windowsOptions
- allowPrivilegeEscalation
- capabilities
- privileged
- procMount
- readOnlyRootFilesystem
- runAsGroup
- runAsNonRoot
- runAsUser
- seLinuxOptions
- windowsOptions
Most of these options are self-explanatory. If you want to read more about this, the Kubernetes documentation is a good guide.
The two main options that we want to note are:
privileged: This is the option that we had initially set for our workload. This means that we were spawning a privileged container.
seLinuxOptions: This is the option that allows us to give parameters to the CRI to set appropriate SELinux labeling for our container.
Lets dig in!
Privileged Containers
When you spawn a privileged container, there are several things that the CRI enables for the container. Mainly, we are concerned with two things that happen:
- It gives the process extra capabilities (CAP_SYS_ADMIN included).
- It spawns the process with the SELinux label “spc_t”
Lets focus on the SELinux bit.
Dan Walsh has a blog post explaining this way better than I can. However, I’ll try to summarize it here.
When you run a privileged container, the way we make SELinux not to contain the container is to start it with the “spc_t” type. This type is very similar to starting a process as “unconfined_t” with a few exceptions:
- Container runtimes are allowed to transition to spc_t (and not unconfined_t).
- Confined processes can communicate with sockets created by spc_t.
Other than these differences, an spc_t process (or container) is pretty much unconfined, and can do pretty much anything on the system; SELinux won’t contain it. This is not ideal for security and we want to avoid deploying our services with this type as much as possible.
Our main concern for today is the “seLinuxOptions” parameter from the “securityContext”. Lets look a little deeper into it.
Here are all the options you can set from it:
- level
- role
- type
- user
If you’re acquainted with SELinux, these options will look familiar to you. And they do map directly to the labels for the process.
As a quick recap, lets say your container is running with the following label:
The observed “seLinuxOptions” would be as follows:
user: system_u
role: system_r
type: container_t
level: s0:c829,c861
So… That’s nice! Lets just generate a policy for our container using audit2allow, and that’s it! …Unfortunately it’s not that easy… We need to make sure that we still inherit all the things from “container_t”, which means that we still can interact with files labeled with “container_file_t”, amongst other things. If only there was a tool that could help us write such a policy… There is!
Enter Udica
Udica is a project with the purpose of helping folks generate SELinux policies for their containers! It’s already packaged for fedora too!
It works by reading the output of podman/docker inspect, and from that, it’ll read the ports and volumes that the container is using in order to determine what to add to the policy.
Normally you would run it as follows:
$ podman inspect $CONTAINER_ID > container.json
$ udica -j container.json my_container
Policy my_container with container id 37a3635afb8f created!
Please load these modules using:
# semodule -i my_container.cil /usr/share/udica/templates/{base_container.cil,net_container.cil,home_container.cil}
Restart the container with: "--security-opt label=type:my_container.process" parameter
What happened here?
Uidca generated a file called my_container.cil which contains the policy that we can use for our container. This policy is in Common Intermediate Language (CIL) which allows you to define policies and inherit from others too.
To keep the policies minimal and reusable, udica comes with ready-made templates that you can just reuse and inherit from when writing policies. These are stored in /usr/share/udica/templates/.
Using it with your Kubernetes application
With this in mind, when you’re developing a containerized application, these would be the steps you should take to generates policies:
- Run your application locally with either podman or docker.
- Generate a policy with Udica
- Inspect your policy (you want to remove unneeded things, or add extra capabilities if needed).
- Install your policy in your kubernetes nodes (semodule -i …)
- Update your application’s manifest to include the appropriate labeling.
- Test in a test-cluster/namespace
- …?
- Deploy
An updated manifest would look at follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- name: my_container
image: ...
type: my_container.process
And that’s it! Your container will use the type you defined and there won’t be the need for that scary “spc_t”.
Further work
The SELinux/Udica team has made an awesome job of the tool and it is quite functional already. However, if you want a more automated flow (Automate everything!), e.g. to use Udica directly on your Kubernetes deployment as part of your CI. The current state of things makes it hard for such a use-case. This is something I’ll talk about in another blog post, as well as a potential solution for this.
tags: openshift - selinux - kubernetes - k8s - udica